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8°. pp.VIII-380 + antip. con ritratto. t.tela edit. (Is human nature incurably depraved?; The land question; The British party system; The Parliament of the poor; Democracy: the next step; Knowing our places; Equality; The proposed abolition of classes; The state and the children; Schoolmade monsters; Financial mysteries: banking; Illusions of the money market; Sense and nonsense about compensation; The vice of gambling and the virtue of insurance;The illusions of war finance; On war and its great men; The military man; The economic man; The educated; The half educated; The corruptly educated; The aesthetic man; The man of science; The medical man; Architecture a world power; The theocratic man; The collective biologist; The collective statistician;The genetic state; State. Municipal corruption; Coercion and sanctions; Law and tyranny; Juries and Ministers of Grace defend us!; Conscientious objection versus generale strike;Our attempt and anthropometry; Creed and conduct; Collective scoundrealism; Government by great men; For the reviewers; Economic. Political. Religious summary. |