Note: |
2 voll. in-16°. pp.VIII-355 (1); VIII-323 (1). p. pelle coeva con nerv.. doppio tass. con tit. oro e fregi oro ai dorsi. sguardie e tagli marm.. ampie fessure alle cerniere. rinforzi alla sguardia. Ex libris. Mediante dialoghi immaginari. l'Aut. denunciava problemi sociali e morali della società inglese. divisi 2 libri e un capitolo sulla schiavitù: Book I: Truth; Conformity; Despair; Recreation; Greatness; Fiction; On the art of living with others; Education; Unreasonable claims in social affections and relations; Public improvements; History - Book II: Reading; On giving and taking criticism; On the art of living; Improvement of the condition of the rural poor; Gouvernement - Slavery: That slavery Is cruel; That slavery is needless; That slavery is unauthorized; That slavery is misschievous to the master as well as to the slave; That there are no reces in respect to which the preceding propositions against slavery do not apply; That slavery can be done away. [Il nome dell'Aut. si ricava da ICCU]. |