StampaDictionary of the Spanish and English languages wherein the words are correctly explained. agreeably to their different meanings and a great variety of terms relating the arts. sciences. manufactures.
merchandise. navigation and trade elucidated.
Codice: 46935
Catalogo: Dizionari - Legature
Num. catalogo: 238 - 79
Prezzo: 110.00 €
Note: Thoroughly revised gratly improved. enlarged by the addi-tion of many thousand words and the two parts most carefully collated. by M. Seoane. 9th edit. in 2 volumes. Vol.I: Spanish and English (Vol.II: Diccionario de las lenguas Española è Inglesa... Tome II: Ingles y Español). London. Longman-Brown-Richardson.... (1831).
2 voll. in-8°. pp.XVI-879-1 b.; (4) 752 (2). Belle leg. p. perg. coeva con tass. neri con tit. oro e ricchi fregi oro ai dorsi. Lievi aloni nelle prime carte.