StampaLeonardo da Vinci - Emassy of Italy. New Delhi - Associazione Italia. India. Rome - Italian Embassy Cultural Center. New Delhi.
Autore: AA.VV.
Editore: De Luca
Anno stampa: 1986
Luogo stampa: Roma
Codice: 42754
Catalogo: Storia dell'Arte
Prezzo: 22.00 €
Note: New Delhi. Lalit Kala Akademi. 14 - 21 November 1986 - Bombay. National Center for the Perforing Arts 8 - 22 December 1986.
4°. pp. 80 (4) con numerose ill. e tavv. anche a col. n.t. Br. edit.
Summay: Leonardo in India by Giusto Puri Purini. Maurizio Mariani - Introduction by Fernando Bertolini;; The life by Orazio Curti; Catalogue; The music in northern Italy at Leonardo's time by Marcco Tiella; Leonardo's designs for musical instruments by Marco Tiella; Constumes by Alessandra Pennisi; Colur Plates; Leonardo the painter by Rosalba Tradito; Leonardo da Vinci's manuscripts by Oraazio Curti; Renato Castellani and "The life of Leonardo" by Carlo Coen; Codeo screenings; The state of conservation f Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper" by Pinin Brambilla Bracilon; A study of the pollutants in the hall of Leonardo's "Last Supper": hypotesis of a model of deterioration by Annamaria Giovagnoli. Maurizio Marabelli.