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Autore: | AA.VV. |
Anno stampa: | 1991 |
Luogo stampa: | London |
Codice: | 41968 |
Catalogo: | Storia dell'Arte |
Prezzo: | 60.00 € |
Note: | 9 fascicoli in 4°. pp. 440 e 218 illustrate + numerosissime pp. pubblicitarie f.t. Br. edit. Minimi difetti. Contengono i segunti saggi: Death in Venice: Giovanni Bellini and the assassination of St Peter artyr - Jennfer Fletcher and David Skipsey; A landscape watercolour by Rembrandt? The use of waterhouse in Rembrandt's circle in Amsterdam - Martin Royalton - Kisch; Masaccio's Branccc Chapel: restoration and revelation - Paul Joannides; An 'Astronomy' tapestry reinterpreted: François I and Giovanni da Verrazzano - William Wells; Fabergé eggs: re - dating from new evience - Marina L. Lopato; American aesthetic silver: the discovery of a market - Elspeth Moncrieff; Five - and - dime for millions: the Samuel H. Kress Collecion Marilyn Perry; Leonardo's Ginevra de'Benci: the restoration of a renaissance masterpiece - Eric Gibson; Ambrogio Lorenzetti's dancing 'maidens': a casee of mistaken identity - Jane Bridegeman; Valadier workshop drawings: the discovery of a goldsmith's archive - Elspeth Moncrieff; Procaccini's Dead Christ: placing an unusual composition in its context - Michael Bury; Exhibition reviews - The rome that never was J.G. Links; Titian's Daphnis and Chloe: a search for the subject of a familiar masterpiece - Paul Joannides; Exhibition reviews (Martin Schongauer and Venetian drawing: two 'cabinets' at the Fitzwilliam - John Rowlands; Matin Schongauer and Venetian drawing: two 'cabinets' at the Fitzwilliam - John Rowlands; etc.); Degas abd Corot: the affinity between two artists' artists - Michael Clarke; Was Seurat's art Wagnerian? And what if it was? - Paul Smith; 'The most merciless dreughtsman in the world': the drawings of Edgar Degas . Richard Kenadall; Complexity and contradiction: Venturi. Scott Brown and the contemporary art museum - Helen Searing; The Ginsborough's House Collection: starting fro scratch Hugh Belsey; The Petit Palais Museum. Geneva: the collection of Dr Otto Ghezz - Elspeth Moncrieff; The painter and the poet Giovanni Bellini's portrait of Raffaele Zovenzoni rediscovered - Jennifer Fletcher; The drawings of Si Roger Newdigate; the earliest unpublished record of the Uffizi - Michael Mc Carthy; Xastello di Lunghezza: a palpable sense of history - Elspeth Moncrieff; Leaving Signorelli n the lurch: another funding scandal in Italy - Gaia Servadio; etc. |
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