StampaApollo - The Magazine of the Arts. Edited by Denys Sutton. 1985 January / December.
Autore: AA.VV.
Anno stampa: 1985
Luogo stampa: London
Codice: 41964
Catalogo: Storia dell'Arte
Prezzo: 120.00 €
Note: 12 fascicoli (annata completa) rilegati in 4 voll. in 4°. pp. 55 (7); 59 (6); 84 (11); 59 (13); 88 (6); 141 (12). 441; 48 (6); 28 (7); 118 (9); 92 (6); 82; 97 (7). 510 illustrate. 4 buone legature in tela con tit. oro ai dorsi. Conservano le cop. delle br. edit.
Contiene i seguenti saggi: A Van Dyck discovery: Charles II when Prince of Walles - Malcom Rogers; Eighteenth - Century sèvres porcellain: Two Rare Cuvettees Mhon - Barry Shifman; Fortuny and Boldini: de l'elegance encore et toujours... - Luisa Vertova; Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Titian - Dianne Sachko Macleod; Facets of French Art - An English Private Collection - Harley Preston; Italian collector: Luigi Magnani - Luisa Vertova; The Venetian Well - Heads at Hever Castle. Kent - Paul Hetheringon; A modello for Tiepolo's Final Commission: The Allegory of the Immaculate Conception - Catherine Whistler; James Stephanoff and the British Museum - Ian Jenkins; New treasure for the Cini Foundation: Twenty Years After - Mahonri Sharp Young; New Treasures for the Cini Foundation - Luisa Vertova; Renoir's Kingdom - Denis Sutton; Bernardo Strozzi ad painter of still life - Bertina Suida Manning; Documentted Galle Glass Katherine Morrison McClinton; The martyrdom of St. ndrew - A Newly Discovered Terracotta Relief by Giacomo Serpotta - Donald Garstang; G.B. Tiepolo and Charles III: the Church of S. Pascual Baylon at Aranjuez - Catherine Whistler; The Bronze Statuettes of the art union of London - The Rise and Decline of Victorian Taste Sculpture Charles Avery and Medeleine Marsh; Ugolino di Nerio: old and new in an early Madonna - James H. Stubblebine; Rubens's Gonzaga altarpiece: Another Portrait Rediscovered - Michael Jaffé; Letter from New York - The Age of Caravaggio - John T. Spike; A Portrait Bust of Maffeo Barberini. Prince of Palestina; Anthony Roth; A propostal for Caravaggio portraitist - John T. Spike; Renoir: Le Peintre de Figures comme Paysagiste - Cynthia P. Schneider; Edgar Degas as etcher and Lithographer - Denys Sutton; Aspects of British Collecting by Deniys Sutton (Part IV) - Crowe and Cavalcaselle. etc.; Letter from Italy - Zoran Music in Venice - Michael Peppiatt; New light on the early work of FIlippo Lippi - Keith Christiansen; Used and Misuse of Restauration: Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio in Palermo - Donald Garstang; The Art of Late Rome and Byzantium - Anna Gonosova and Christine Kondoleon; The arts of India. Nepal and Tibet - Joseph M. Dye. III; etc.