StampaApollo - The Magazine of the Arts. Edited by Denys Sutton. 1984 January / December.
Autore: AA.VV.
Anno stampa: 1984
Luogo stampa: London
Codice: 41963
Catalogo: Storia dell'Arte
Prezzo: 120.00 €
Note: 12 fascicoli (annata completa) rilegati in 4 voll. in 4°. pp. 47 (7); 54 (8); 91 (7); 62 (6); 93 (9); 138 (7). 471 (1); 53 (6). 32 (6); 72 (6); 103 (9); 86 (8); 69 (12). 443 illustrate. 4 buone legature in tela con tit. oro ai dorsi. Conservano le cop. delle br. edit.
Contiene i seguenti saggi: Drawing into painting: Rphael's Us of his Studies - Cecil Gould; French Rococo painting - A Notable Exhibition at Atlanta - Joseph Baillo; James Tossot's Abbaye de Buillon Willard E. Misfeldt; Fresh Light on Carl Fabergé - Marino Lopato; Posters of the Vienna Secession - Nicolas Powell; Venetian Art at the Royal Academy - Denys Sutton; Statuettes at Woburn Abbey: New attributions to Taddeo Landini and Giuseppe de Levis Charles Avery; Rembrandt: two passion prints reconsidered - Martin Royalton - Kish; A new panel by Michele Giambono and a reconstructed alar piece Norman E. Land; La cera sempre aspetta: Wax sketch - models for sculpture - Charles Avery; A Goya oil sketch for an officier's portrait - Priscilla E. Muller; Immaginative beauty and decorative delight: Two merican Collectors of the Pre - Raphaelites Judith Neiswander; The Byzantine Collectio - Cyril Mango; The Gardens Diane Kostial Mcguire; Rubens's portraits of Nicolaas Rockox and others - Michael Jaffé; Degas: Master of the Horse - Denys Sutton; Aspects of british Collecting by Denis Sutton (part III); Rothschild furniture at Dalmeny - Jonatha Bourne; The Napoleon Room at Dalmeny - Denys Sutton; Caravaggio: a reassessment - Luigi Salerno; Gentile Bellini and Costantinople - James Byam Shaw; Ferrara and the House of Este - Luisa Vertova; Lord Grenfeell: an amateur egyptologist - Rosalind Hall; Letter from Italy - Masaccio and Beato Angelico at Fiesole - Michael Wynne; Vienna 1900 in Venice 1984 - Nicolas Powell; A Duccio discovery: An Early Madonna Prototype - Alastair Smart; The Velluti Chapel at Santa Croce. Florence - Andrew Ladis; Cassoni. Forzieri. Goffani and Cassette - Terminology and its problems - Peter Thorton; The eighteenth - Century apartments in the Palazzo Barberini - Giuseppina Magnanimi; The Molinari Pradelli Collection - Luigi Salerno; Giovan Carlo de' Medici - An Outstanding but Neglected Collector in Seventeenth Century Florence - Sylvia Mascalchi; Julia Cartwright and Bernard Berenson - Angela Emanuel; The Satiril Spirit in British Art - Denys Sutton; Christian IV - a 'Renaissance Man' - Meir Stein; Absolute Kings of he Seventeenth Century - Povl Eller; Royal Danish Manufactures: Textiles. Porcelain. Furniture - Bredo Granjean; Gold and Silver in the Sanish Royal Collection - Ole Villumsen Krog; etc.