Apollo - The Magazine of the Arts. Edited by Denys Sutton. 1982 January / December. | |
Autore: | AA.VV. |
Anno stampa: | 1982 |
Luogo stampa: | London |
Codice: | 41961 |
Catalogo: | Storia dell'Arte |
Prezzo: | 120.00 € |
Note: | 12 fascicoli (annata completa) rilegati in 4 voll. in 4°. pp. 62 (8); 45 (5); 95 (6); 130 (5); 79 (7); 102 (5). 515; 38 (8); 26 (7); 66 (9); 91 (7); 73 (5); 59 (7). 433 (1) illustrate. 4 buone legature in tela con tit. oro ai dorsi. Conservano le cop. delle br. edit. Margini leggermente rifilati. Contiene i seguenti saggi: Hugh Douglas Hamilton in Rome 1779 - 92 - Fintan Cullen; A replica crown Jewel: Yet another part of the Milltown Gift - Michael Wynne; The miniature stained glass èaeòs pf Harry Clarke - Nicola Gordon Bowem A Roman Landscape èainter in ireland - Marguerite Lillis; A Gabrielli postscript - Desmond Guinnes; A silver cup of the Augustan or Julio - Claudian Period - Cornelius Vermeule; A Shocking Scene - John Pope - Hennessy; Titian's Portrait of Giacomo Dolfin - Charles Hope; François Boucher and his Porcelains of Vincennes and Sèvres - Rosalind Savill; The Spirit of Indian Art - T-S- Maxwell; Henry Willett as a collector - Jessica Rutherford; Jacob van Ruisdael - Solitary Wanderer - Denys Sutton; Delacroix's road to the Sultan of Marocco - Lee Johnson; Art of the Himalayab Region - Amy G. Poster; Traditions in Russian Bed Valances - Elizabeth Anne Coleman and Marina Kovalyov; Modern French Painting: Collecting in the 1920s - Sarah Faunce; Finnish Medieval Art - Crl Jacob Gardberg; Art nouveau and National Romanticism in Finland - John Boulton Smith; Baroque to Neo - Classicism - Jean Luc Bordeaux; A newly recovered enthroned Madonna by Giovanni di Milano - Andrew Ladis; France in Golden Age - Hugh Brigstocke; Madam Vigee Le Brun: a survivor of the Ancien Regime - Denys Sutton; Recent acquisitions of ceramics and Glass at Manchester Ciy Art Galleriees - Deborah Clarke; Self - portrait with a cap by Andre Derain - Denys Sutton; Italian portrait painting in the eighteent century - Denys Sutton; French Biscuit porcelain in the Style of Wedgwood's Jasperware - Aileen Dawson; The tapestry collection of Cardina Pietro Ottoboni - Edward J. Olszewski; Veronese and his interst in Landscape in the 1580s The Rest on the return from Egypt in Context - Terisio Pignatti and Theodore Crombie; The aestete of Toledo - Denys Sutton; Charles Ricketts and his designs for Jewellery - Diana Scarisbrick; Decorative Qur'an Bindings in the Victorian and Albert Museum Library - J.D. Haldane; A ;asterpiece by Rubens - The Rainbow Landscape Cleaned - John Ingamelles; From Westminster Abbey to the Wllace Collection: Torrigiano's Head of Christ - Alan Phipps Darr; Glass in th Wallace Collection - Suzanne Gaynor; Aspects of British Collecting by Denys Sutton; Art across North America; etc. |
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