StampaApollo - The Magazine of the Arts. Edited by Denys Sutton. 1978 January / December.
Autore: AA.VV.
Anno stampa: 1978
Luogo stampa: London
Codice: 41957
Catalogo: Storia dell'Arte
Prezzo: 120.00 €
Note: 12 fascicoli (annata completa) rilegati in 4 voll. in 4°. pp. 78 (5); 89 (5); 135 (8); 170 (6); 160 (6); 255 (16). 525; 81 (6); 36 (6); 140 (1); 230 (6); 216 (7); 139 (7). 456 illustrate. 4 buone legature in tela con tit. oro ai dorsi. Conservano le cop. delle br. edit. Lievi increspature interessano alcune carte del fascicolo di Agosto.
Contiene i seguenti saggi: The age of spirituality - Sandra Knudsen Morgan. Italian maiolica from mid - western collections - Bruce Cole; Rembrandt's portraits of a Joun Jew - David M. Robb. Jr.; New sources for the masque designs of Ingo Jones - John Peacock; Bellini and Tutuan the legacy of a Venetian tradition - Lorette RussenbergM Goya on women in the caprichos the case of Castillo's wife - Nigel Glendinning; Rubens in Paris - Gregory Martin; A new portrait of Rupert of the the Rhine and Bernini's Charles I - Michael Vickers; Andrea Riccio and his colleagues in the Untermyer Collection - Speculation on the Chronology of his Statuettes and Attributions to Francesco da Sant' Agata and Moderno - James David Draper; A solution to the enigma of Goya's 'Emphatic caprices' Nos. 65 - 80 of the disaster of War - Nigel Glendinning; From the Renaissance to the Grand Tour - Eric Zzafran; The Vitale Bloch bequest; Varieties of Romanesque sculpture - Robert P. Bergman; Italian painting before 1500 - Everett Fahy; Lorenzo Lotto to Nicolas Poussin - S.J. Freedberg; Charles Loeser as a Collector of Drawings - Konrad Oberhuber; Theodore Gericault - Artist of Man and Beast - Henri Zerner; Variations on the nude - Jean Sutherland Boggs; Harvard and American Art - John Wilmerding; Photography in a Teaching Museum - Davis Pratt; Connoisseur's Choice - Denys Sutton; The enigma of Giorgione - Denys Sutton; Lautazio da Perugia and the Seal of Cardinal Giulio de'Medici - Michael A. Jacobsen; The oil studies of Federico Brocci - Edmund Pillsbury; Giambologna sculptor to the Medici (1529 - 1608): his style and its sources - Charles Avery; Profile: Denis Mahon; The art of the Second Empire - Denys Sutton; G.B. Moroni and Genre Portrait in the Cinquecento - Cecil Gould; Valerio Castello - A Genoese Master of the Seicento - Mary Newcome; Editorial - Sir John Pope - Hennessy; On Lorenzo di Niccolò - Everett Fahy; Gesù pellegrino: A Quattrocento sculpture rediscovered - Ulrich Middeldorf; 'The fac in the crowd' - Some Early Sienese Self - portraits - james H. Stubblebine; An Annunciation by Benedetto Bonfigli - Federico Zeri; C.D.E. Fortnum and Italian maiolica of the Renaissance - J.V.G. Mallet; An unknown drawing by Leonardo da Vinci - Philip Pouncey; A new bacchic group by Bernini - Olga Raggio; Two bronze from the circle of Bernini - Anthony Radcliffe; Charles Ricketts and Titian - Denys Sutton; Landscape and townscape from the Grand Tour - J.G. Links; etc.