StampaApollo - The Magazine of the Arts. Edited by Denys Sutton. 1976 January / December.
Autore: AA.VV.
Anno stampa: 1976
Luogo stampa: London
Codice: 41955
Catalogo: Storia dell'Arte
Prezzo: 120.00 €
Note: 12 fascicoli (annata completa) rilegati in 4 voll. in 4°. pp. 77 (6); 98 (6); 142 (8); 161 (7); 152 (1); 228 (1). 541 (6); 81 (1); 31 (6); 113 (7); 145 (7); 146 (1); 120 (6). 525 (1) illustrate. 4 buone legature in tela con tit. oro ai dorsi. Conservano le cop. delle br. edit.
Contiene i seguenti saggi: Rondani's Masterpiece nd a neglected Correggio - Fancis Russel; New light on Jean Clouet as a portrait painter - Pual Wescher; Variations on a theme by Goya: Majas on a Balcony - Nigel Glendinning; Carlo Pellegrini; man and 'ape' - Eileen Harris; Plain and Fancy architecture by cass Gilbert at Oberin - Robert Venturi; Sculpture - Hellenistic to the Tweith century - Katherine J. Wason; Baroque Paintings from Ligozzi to Hogath - Richard E. Spear; The Madonna Reliefs of Donatello - John Pope Hennessy; Claude Lorrain and the Southern Seaport Tradition - David Cordingly; Piranesian symbols on the Aventine - John Wilton - Ely; Art and Politics in Seventeenth - Century China - Michael Sullivan; Iranian Metal - work and the writen word - A.S. Melikian - Chiavarini; problems of iconography in Italian painting - Myra Nan Rosenfeld; Northern Baroque and the italian connexion - David G. Carter; The Sketch - Books of James Wilson Morrice - Jean - René Ostiguy; Masterworks of Haida Art - Georg Mercer Dawson an the McCord Museum Collection - Geoge F. Macdonald; Sculptures and Bronzes of the Frist Empier - Gerard Hubert; The taste for a moderate neo - classicism - Bruno Foucart; Claude Monet as a cricaturist a clandestine apprenticeship - Rodolphe Walter; The paradoxes of Monet - Joseph C. Sloane; The architectural history of San Giorgio - Peter Lathrop Lauritzen; The italian miniature and its variety - Giordana Mariana Canova; Five centuries of Italian Sculpture - Giovanni Mariacher; Early venetian illustrated books: the Essling Collection - E. H. Ramsden; The paintings in San Giorgio Maggiore - Nicola Ivanff; The Birth of a new collection - Alessandro Bettagno; The Castello di Monselice - Denys Sutton; Art noveau in Texas; Eight letters from Antonio Canova - Hugh Honour; sixteenth - century dutch figure - Drawings - K.G. Boon; Flemish drawings from the age of Rubens - R.A. d'Hulst; Bolognese Drawings of the seventeenth century - Roseline Bacou; Master Draughtsmen of the Venetian Settecento - James Byam Shaw; Early Renaissance furniture in basle - Peter Reindl; Hans Holbein 'civis basileensis' - Hans Reinhardt; German porcellain in the Erika and Emil Paulus Collection - Georges B. Ségal; Modern masters in the Kunstmuseum. Basle; etc.