StampaApollo - The Magazine of the Arts. Edited by Denys Sutton. 1975 January / December.
Autore: AA.VV.
Anno stampa: 1975
Luogo stampa: London
Codice: 41954
Catalogo: Storia dell'Arte
Prezzo: 120.00 €
Note: 12 fascicoli (annata completa) rilegati in 4 voll. in 4°. pp. 55 (5); 70 (5); 107 (6); 112 (5); 115 (6); 181. 500 (9); 77 (6); 40 (5); 85 (5); 175 (6); 143 (6); 129 (8). 487 illustrate. 4 buone legature in tela con tit. oro ai dorsi. Conservano le cop. delle br. edit.
Contiene i seguenti saggi: A popular painting from the early Trecento - Bruce Cole; English painted glass in the seventeenth century - The early works of Abram van Lige - Michael Archer; Victorian and Edwardian Brighton Derek Roger; The Medici crucifixion of Donatello - John Pope - Hennessy; The oriental collection of Sir Harry Garner - Margaret Medley; Humour in ceramics - Geoffrey Wills; Cezanne's copies and variants after Delacroix - Sara Lichtestein; The Art criticism of Ruskin; Gustave Moreau and Brune - Jones; Arnold Bocklin. Walter Pater; The artistic vision of Proust; Michelangelo the Draughtsman - E. H. Ramsden; Historical records of the paris city council - Jacques Wilhelm; The 'improvement of pre - raphaelites: case histoies of some fifteenth - century italian panels - Allan Braham; Chinoiserie at Buckingham Palace - Geoffrey de Bellaigue; Contemporary french art in Eighteenth - Century Russia - Nina Nemilova; Masterpieces of Eighteenth - Century French Sculptur - Nina Kosareva; French Drawings - From Watteau to Greuze - Irina Novosselskaya; Wellinghton and South India - Portraits by Thomas Hiskey - Mildred Archer; Neo - classical portraits by Pistrucci and Rauh - Charles Avery; Bronzes from the Stoclet nd Wessen Collections - William Watson; Fron Venuti and Winckelmann to Walters - Dorothy Kent Hill; Coli and Gherardi - Two little - know painters of the Roman Baroque - Nancy Dunn - Czak; The sculpture of SirRichard Westmacott - Nicholas Penny; The golden ange of the Republic - Lino Moretti; Unfamiliar masterpieces of North Italian Sculpture Giovanni Mariacher; luxurious lace from Venice - Lucia Bellodi Casanova; Velvets from Venice - Ileana Chiappini di Sorio; Venetian festivals and Amusements - Terisio Pignatti; Prehistoric Rock art in Southern Africa - Jalmar and Ione Rudner; Cape Baroque - Hans Fransen; The english vision in South Africa - Edna and Frank Bradlow; The Michaelis Collection - W.H. Gravet; French art in the Johannesburg Art Gallery - P. M. Erasmus; Recollections of Paris - Maud Sumner; Two Early altar pieces by Brune - Jones Ronald Parkinson; Elegance and Craftsmanship in Greek Bronzes - Ultich Gehig; german small sculpture of the Renaissance - Christian Theuerkauff; From Vivarini to Guardi - Erich Schleier; Flemish painting of the Baroque - Jan Kelch; etc.