StampaApollo - The Magazine of the Arts. Edited by Denys Sutton. 1974 January / December.
Autore: AA.VV.
Anno stampa: 1974
Luogo stampa: London
Codice: 41953
Catalogo: Storia dell'Arte
Prezzo: 120.00 €
Note: 12 fascicoli (annata completa) rilegati in 4 voll. in 4°. pp. 69 (5); 80; 155 (1); 151 (1); 175 (1); 250 (12). 488; 127 (1); 58 (5); 87 (5); 162 (5); 163 (5); 112. 537 (5) illustrate. 4 buone legature in tela con tit. oro ai dorsi. Conservano le cop. delle br. edit.
Contiene i seguenti saggi: Verrocchio problems - Peter Cannon - Brookes; Early Baroque Painting in Lombardy - Eduard Huttinger; Rdvard Munch - European and Norwegian - John Boulton Smith; Watteau's design for a fan - leaf - Edward Croft - Murray; Some unpublished copies of Frescoes at Assisi - Alastair Smart; Antonio di Neri Barili and the Chpel of St. John Bapist in Siena Cathedral - Joan Thornton; Carpaccio's Hunt in the Lagoon - Michael Q. Smith; The forging of Italian Renaissance culpture - John Pope - Hennessy; John Ruskin and Tintoretto - Nicholas Penny; The Greek and Roman portraits in Kansas city - Cornelius Vermeule; Aspects of Irish art - Brian Fallon; William Constable . A Enlightened Yorkshire Patrron - Brinsley Ford; James Byres - Principal Antiquarian for English Visitors of Rome - Brinsley Ford; Masterpieces of the Renaissance Collection David Dubon; Unfamiliar aspects of Rodin - John L. Tancock; The Paradoxes of Cézanne; Varallo revisited - Samuel Butler and the Sacro Monte - Peter Cannon - Brookes; George III as Collector - Ralph Edwards; William Kent ad Landscape - Gardener - A Re - Appraisal - Kenneth Woodbridge; The Courtauld Family of Goldsmihs - Christopher Lever; F. L. Bridell and Romantic Landscape - John Sweeman; Théodore Duret - An early Friend of the Impressionists Yvon Bizardel; Salvator Rosa in Florence 1640 ò 49 - Helen Langdo: Aspects of Florentine Baroque Painting - Charles McCorquodale. Florentine and Tuscan Gardens of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries - Georgina Masson; A Cross - Section of Florentine Seicento Painting - The Piero Bigongiari Collection - Mina Gregori; Niccolo Cassana - Portraitist of the Florentine Court - Marco Chiarini; Massimiliano Soldani's Bust of Enea Caprara rediscovered - Jennifer Montagu; Eduard Munch and Stanislaw Przybyszewski - Wladyslawa Jaworska; A Fuseli "Oedipus". lost nd now found - Charlotte Haenlein; Venetin painting og the fifteenth to Eighteenth centuries - Tamara Fomicieva; A Terracotta study by Gian Lorenzo Bernini for the Staue of the Blessed Ludovica Albertoni - Nina Kosareva; Rembrandt discoveries at the Hermitage - Yuriy Kuznetsov; La Danse and la Musique by Henri Matisse - A new Intrpretation - Albert Kostenevich; etc.