StampaApollo - The Magazine of the Arts. Edited by Denys Sutton. 1972 January / December.
Autore: AA.VV.
Anno stampa: 1972
Luogo stampa: London
Codice: 41951
Catalogo: Storia dell'Arte
Prezzo: 120.00 €
Note: 12 fascicoli (annata completa) rilegati in 4 voll. in 4°. pp. 63 (1); 89 (1); 122 (5); 154 (3); 133 (1); 201 (5). 529 (11); 91 (5); 49 (5); 105 (1); 162 (5); 179 (5); 144. 575 (5) illustrate. 4 buone legature in tela con tit. oro ai dorsi. Conservano le cop. delle br. edit.
Contiene i seguenti saggi: Silver Designs by William Kent - Charles Oman; Th Gardener and the painter - A New Attribution to Hogarth - Peter Willis; Hudson at Blenheim - An unpublished painting and its study - Theodore Crombie; Revivalism and Ritualism Victorian Church Art at the V. and A. - Fenella Crichton; Varition on a theme of Titian - A. C. Sewrwe and D. Maxwell White; Rubens's le Christ a la Paille Reconsidered - Michael Jaffé; Victorian forniture - An Introduction to the Source - Jeremy Cooper; Who was dega's Lyda? - William Wells; John Jnes - Collector of French Furniture - Peter Thornton; Victoriana and Rococo - C. M. Cauffmann; Epana Antigua - Vivian H. Hibbs; De Re Librorum - Theodore S. Beardsley Jr.; Sorolla. Zuloaga and the Spanish generation of '98 - Priscilla E. Muller; Ghiberti's third Commentary and its background - Jhon Gage; The Cinquecento at Venice - I. Two Crises - II - The Death of Actaeon and Titian's Mythologies - III - Tintoretto and Space - IV - Pordenone verus Titian Cecil Gould; Forerunner of the Louvre - James Connelly; Mayan treasures at the Art Institute of Chicago - Allen Wardell; The Russell Collection in Amsterdam - Ingvar Bergstrom; A Study of Chinese connoisseurship - Harry Garner; Cretan costume embroidery of the Eighteenth Century - Pauline Johnstone; Jacob and Rachel at the Well by Veronese - A newly doscovered painting - Theodore Crombie; Roman sculpture: a technical analysis - Nigel Konstam; Thorvaldsen as a collector - Dyveke Helsted; Canova and Thorvaldsen - A study in contrasts - Emma Salling; Hans Andersen and Vesuvius - Henrik Bramsen; Canova and David - Hugh Honour; John Gibson - An English Pupil of Thorvaldsen - Hans Fletcher; Treasure for Texas - Kimbell Art Museum. Fort Worth - Denys Sutton; Dutch painting in the Eighteenth Century - J.W. Niemeijer; Jacon de Wit and the Amsterdam Town Hall - Roger Mandle; Dutch decorative arts of the Eighteenth Century - In the Metropolitan Museum of Art - Jessie Mc Nab Dennis; Art of the Ancient World - John Cooney; Romanesque and Gothic Art - Marilyn Stokstad; Zurbaran and Mannerism - Ralph T. Coe; The flamish and dutch schools - Michael Jaffé; Small European Sculptures - Ralph T. Coe; The Charm of Chinoiserie - Ross E. Taggart; Baroque and Rococo in France and Italy - Ralph T. Coe; From Romantism to Pop - Ellen Goheen; etc.