StampaApollo - The Magazine of the Arts. Edited by Denys Sutton. 1970 January / December.
Autore: AA.VV.
Anno stampa: 1970
Luogo stampa: London
Codice: 41949
Catalogo: Storia dell'Arte
Prezzo: 120.00 €
Note: 12 fascicoli (annata completa) rilegati in 4 voll. in 4°. pp. LXXXIII (7); CI (1); CXXV (7); CLIX (7); CXL (8); CCXVIII (1) 495 (10); CIX (1); 48 (1); 79 (10); 145 (7); 159 (7); 110 (2) 505 (5) illustrate. 4 buone legature in tela con tit. oro ai dorsi. Conservano le cop. delle br. edit.
Contiene i seguenti saggi: The egiptina expedition under George A. Reisner - Dows Dunham; Early Spanish and italian paintings - S. Lane Faison. Jr.; American forniture a representative collection - Dean A. Fales. Jr.; John Singleton copley's Boston - G.B. Warden; Greek and Roman art - The new presentation at the British Museum - Michael Ayrton; The Mount trust Collection of Chinese Art . Harry M. Garner; Goya's the family of Charles IV: an interpretation . Priscilla E. Muller; The Elizabeth image - Graham Reynods; German drawings at the Courtauld Galleries - Christopher White; The genesis of Italian drawing; a major contribution to the History of Art - Kenneth Clark; Piero della Francesca: Some problems of his art and chronology - Cecil H. Clough. Philippe Burty: a notable critic of he nineteenth century - Gabriel P. Weisberg; Charlses Dickens and the World of Art - Graham Reynolds; Guido Reni: An early masterpiece discovered in Liguria - Patrick Matthiesen and Stephen Pepper; The Raphael portrait of Julius II problems of versions and variants; and a goose that turned into a swan - Cecil Gould; A future for Venice: survival or revival? - John Wilton - Ely; The Bnquet of Anthony and Cleopatra by Jean de Bray - Franklin W. Robinson; Treasusres of the Orient: a Rockfeller Collection - Mahonri Sharp Young; A Madonna and Child by Maso da San Friano - Peter Cannon - Brookes; The Mozart of painting - Denis Sutton; Guernica again - Henrik Bramsen; A new museum in Lucca - Richard Fremantle; German and Italian Bronzes - Hans R. Weihrauch; Armour for an Archbishop - Klaus Maurice; etc.