StampaApollo - The Magazine of the Arts. Edited by Denys Sutton. 1967 January / December.
Autore: AA.VV.
Anno stampa: 1967
Luogo stampa: London
Codice: 41946
Catalogo: Storia dell'Arte
Prezzo: 120.00 €
Note: 12 fascicoli (annata completa) rilegati in 4 voll. in 4°. pp. LXXII; LXXII; C (1); XCVII (1); CV (1); CLXXX 484 (14); LXXVII (1); XLV (1); XCV (1); CIX (1); CXXVII (1); CXXLIX (1) 522 illustrate. 4 buone legature in tela con tit. oro ai dorsi. Conservano le cop. delle br. edit.
Contiene i seguenti saggi: The rise and progress of the art union of London by Elisabeth Aslin; Alfred Gilbert and Art Nouveau by Lavinia Handley - Read; Portrait to Australia a group of Pre - Raphaelite drawings by Richard Ormond; Felix summerly's art manufactures by Shirley Bury; William de Morgan and his pottery by M.D.E. Clayton - Stamm; John Ruskin and William Boxall unpublished correspondence by M.J.H. Liversidge; Mcmillan's eminent victorians a portrait gallery by Frederick Sandys by Theodore Crombie; Rossetti and the sphinx by Carl A. Peterson; A Mid - Victorian Parody George du Maurier's "a legend of Camlot" by Leonée Ormond; A Simeon Solomon Sketch - Book by Lionel Lambourne; Art Noveau and talwin Morris by Francis Worsdall; Some ancient egyptian sculpture in continental museums by Emma Swan Hall; Degas's grand passion by Lilian Browse; National Gallery of Ireland recent acquisitions by James White; Degas the Draughtsman; The Devastation of Florence by John Pope - Hennessy; A New Yorker's usual collection by Desmond Fitz Gerald; Treasures in Gramercy Park by Mahonri Sharp Young; Puerto Rico's Museum by Rudolf and Margot Wittkower; Picasso's Neo - Classicism: second period. 1917 - 25 by Phoebe Pool; Book reviews an album on Italy by Harold Acton; Rembrandt and Jansen a new interpretation by Ann Livermore; Millais's portrait of Ruskin by Mary Lutyens; Collecting african art by Fred Uhlman; Titian and the Toro Farnese by Alastair Samrt; Monticelli and Van Gogh by Aaron Sheon; An english gothic statuette by Pamela Tudor Craig; The Boymans - van Beuningen Museum; Decorative arts department at the Boymans - van Beuningen Museum by Bernardine R.M. de Neeve; Rubens ar Rotterdam by E. Haverkamp - Begemann; Notes on some venetian drawings by James Byam Shaw; Classical antiquity the Theatre and the Artist by T.B.L. Webster; Ingo Jones and the revival of chivalry by Roy Strong; Rediscovered theatre drawings by Antonio Bibiena by William Collier; Federigo da Montefeltro's private study in his Ducal Palace of Gubbio by Cecil H. Clough; The decorative arts in Stuttgart by Ruth Gronwoldt; Master Bronzes from the Classical World by Herbert Hoffmann; The complexities of Ancient Glass by Rudolf M. Riefstahl; Medieval Art at Toledo: a selection; From Lorenzo Monaco to Mattia Preti by S. lane Faison. Jr.; The European and American Glass Collection by Millard F. Rogers. Jr.; etc.