StampaCatalogue of valuable continental books autograph letters and historical documents. From the Library of the Late Dr. Stefan Mendl of New York (sold by order of the executores) also The Property of Miss Maria . Carbonell
The Property of Col John Williams - Wynne - The Property of Col R.H. Ingham Clark and others properties.
Editore: Sotheby
Anno stampa: 1966
Luogo stampa: London (New Bond Street)
Codice: 36489
Catalogo: Cataloghi delle aste Sotheby's
Prezzo: 15.00 €
Note: Comprising Incunabula and woodcut books including St. Augustine's De Vita Christiana. (1460 - 65). Aurbach's Summa de Sacramentis. 1469. Der Spiegel Menschlicher Behaltnuss. 1476. Retza. De Generatione Christi (c. 1484). De Bene Vivendi. Savona. 1523. Libellus de Natura Animalium. Savona. 1524 and Aesop's Les Subtiles Fables. 1540; Rabelais. Les Oeuvres. 1553 and Groote's Sermo Sinodalis (c. 1520); the Fermiers - Généraux edition of La Fontaine - Science including Rheticus. Canon Doctrinae Triangulorum. 1551. Galilei's Macchie Solari. 1613 and Il Saggiatore. 1623. and Kepler's Tabulae Rudolphinae. frist English edition; a collection of books on the ear and hearing Maps and atlases of Ptolemy. Munster. Mercator. Blaeu. Sanson. Jansson. Saxton and Speed. Travel and colour - plate books including La Pérouse. Voyage autour du Monde. 1797. Vaillant's Voyage sue la Corvette La Bonite. 1840 - 52 and Rugendasm Voyage dans le Brésil. 1835; Chinese drawings on rice paper - Letters of Sade. Constant. the Empress Marie - Louise. Colbert. Napoleon and Guizot; manuscript of Stendhal. Madame Denis and Jean - Jacques Rousseau; documents from the Hartmann papersrelating to the Duc de Reichstadt.
Which will be sold by auction by Messers Sotheby & Co.
Day of Sale: Tuesday. 1 st March. 1966.
8°. pp. 59 (1)+ 4 tavv.f.t. Br. edit.