StampaCatalogue of Important Western and Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures.
Editore: Sotheby
Anno stampa: 1966
Luogo stampa: London (New Bond Street)
Codice: 36488
Catalogo: Cataloghi delle aste Sotheby's
Prezzo: 20.00 €
Note: Comprising a fine miniature by Muhammad Zaman; ten miniatures from a Herati ms of thr period of Shah Rukh; and other Persian. Mughal and provincial Indian miniatures; a fifteenth century Shiraz Nizami; a sixteenth century Persian Anuar i Suhayli; and other Persian. Armenian and Ethiopic manuscripts French and Italian miniatures including examples by Niccolò di Giacomo da Bologna. Francesco d'Antonio del Cherico and Michele da Carrara; leaves from manucripts in the Beneventan Script. The only recorded manuscripts of Langland's Piers Plowman still in private hands; a thirteenth century Henry of Huntingdon Historia Anglorum; a fifteenth century Master of Game. and other English manuscripts - A fine Bruges Horae; a twelfth century Italian Sacramentary; a German eleventh century Gospels; a Greek liturgical anthology - The Autograph commonplace book of Michael of Rhodes. (Venice. c. 1434); Writing Books by Caspar Brynner and Paul Franck; a 17 th century manuscript of Devises with miniatures by Sevin; a Petrarch writen by the scribe Bartolomeo di Sanvito; an illuminated manuscript written for the Royal Library of Naples.
Wich will be sold by auction by messers. Sotheby & Co.
Day of Sale Monday. 11 th July. 1966.+
8°. pp. 119 (1) + 33 tavv. anche a col. f.t. Br. edit.