StampaBibliottheca Phillippica. Catalogue of the Celebratd Collection of Manuscripts Formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Bt. (1792 - 1872). New Series: Second Part.
Editore: Sotheby
Anno stampa: 1966
Luogo stampa: London (New Bond Street)
Codice: 36481
Catalogo: Cataloghi delle aste Sotheby's
Prezzo: 15.00 €
Note: Comprising Works on Alchemy. Engineering. Machines. Science. and Geography - Letters of Muratori. Magliabecchi and Thomas Henshaw. F.R.S.. and correspondence of Gabriel Naudé. Manuscripts relating to Dalmatia. Cyprus. Turkey. Russia and Japan; Catholic missions in China and India; a description of Athens. 1687; a Church Slavonic and Latin Liturgy; and a finley bound Venetian Ducale; Household accounts of the Kings of France; papers concerning Passemant's astronomical clock at Versailles - The Gondomar Papers - Halley's Star - map of the Southern Hemisphere. an unrecorded issue Italian topography and local history; anurecorded Renaissance work on memory by N. Peranzonus; Latin poetry by G.A. Flaminio and P. Corazini; an unrecorded work by Marko Marulic and other Croat manuscripts - An important collection on the history of the Philippine Islands The papers of Sir Robert Ker Porter and his sisters Jane and Anna Maria and Manuscript of Caxton's translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Book 1 - 9. 1480. Which will be sold by auction by Messers. Sotheby & Co.
Days of Sale: Monday. 27th June. 1966 - Tuesday. 28th June. 1966.
8°. pp. 125 (3) + 1 tav. a col.f.t. + 5 tavv.f.t. + 1 rip.f.t. Br. edit.