StampaNew Vico Studies. Giorgio Tagliacozzo and Donald Phillip Verene Editors - Volume II 1984
Autore: AA.VV.
Editore: The Institute For Vico Studies
Anno stampa: 1984
Luogo stampa: New York
Codice: 36002
Prezzo: 20.00 €
Note: 8°. pp. XI (1) 178 (2). Br. edit. ill.
Articles: Toward A History of Recent Anglo American Vico Scholarship. Part. II: 1969 - 1973 - Giorgio Tagliacozzo; Vico. Foucault. and the Strategy of Intimate Investigation - Nancy S. Struever; From Wit to Narration: Vico's Theory of Metaphor in Its Rhetorical Context - John D. Schaeffer; Philosophical Laughter: Vichian Remarks on Umberto Eco's The name of the Rose - Donald Phillip Verene; Vico and Doria: The Beginnings of Their Friendship - Harold Stone; George Henry Lewes. George Eliot. and Vico: The Shaping of a Modern Creed - Felicia Bonaparte; A Polish Vichian: Stanislaw Brzozowski - Rena A. Syska - Lamparska.