StampaThieme-Preusser: a new and complete Critical Dictionary of the English and German Languages.
Autore: Thieme-Preusser
Editore: Haendocke & Lehmkuhl
Anno stampa: 1883
Luogo stampa: Hamburg
Codice: 33121
Catalogo: Dizionari
Prezzo: 50.00 €
Note: New stereotype edition. revised and greatly enlarged by Dr. Ig.Emanuel Wessely.
Part I. English- German. The Wole edition one hundred and fifty ninth thousand. the thirteenth thousand of the new impression.
Part II. German- English. The whole edition one hundred and fifty ninth thousand. the thirteenth thousand of the new impression.
8°. pp. X 805 (5) 612. Legat. in mz. pelle con tit. e fregi oro al dorso. La legatura presenta lievi tracce d'uso.